Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Good things in life!

Easter morning we were thrilled to check out our goodies from the Easter bunny, dye some eggs, bake some yummy food, and enjoy conference all together as a family. Aaron went to priesthood the night before and said it was the best meeting he had ever been to, so we knew we were in for a treat. We woke the kids up and like everything else down to even the way they wake up my children are 100% different. Abigail is like Aaron... wakes up very slowly. Harris wakes up laughing.

Then we dyed our eggs. Our finger tips are very colorful and the eggs were so fun.

Harris ate all the cracked ones with pleasure. Aren't my mean so Handsome? Like father like son!

Then we enjoyed conference. Harris napped in his crib, Abigail fell asleep cuddling on the couch before it even began. Which I have to be honest was really nice because Aaron and I enjoyed the whole conference together and all snuggled up on the couch. It was really excellent!Next we were off to my sisters for Easter. It was great! Great food, Great fun, and Great family. Does life get any better?

Then off to hunt eggs. Every year Papa hides the golden egg with $5.00 in it. All the kids hunted high and low but Kynleigh was the finder this year.

Every year our family gets bigger and bigger. Here are all the kids. Harris was great...... for about 3 minuets then he realized that there was candy in the eggs and was done. It was CUTE!

My favorite things about this Easter:
3 Full days of being with my hubby and kids
Hearing Harris talking over the monitor
Making Katheryn's great cheesecake cupcakes with Abigail
Watching conference and hearing our prophet speak
Enjoying Aaron do bath duty... it is nice since I always do it while he is at work
Listening to Aaron tell the story of the resurrection to Abi when he thought I was not listening


Kelly said...

Oh your easter sound Great! I love all the photos... I can't believe your hair is already so long and beautiful! It grows like a weed. Whats the secret? I loved seeing Harris happy wake up smile and Abbys pretty eyes... in her up close photo. What a blessing to be so close to family! Yes I agree Confrence was Extra Good! I was Loving it and so sad to see it come to a end! Happy to hear the kids slept so you two love birds could cuddle up.
(Shannon is doing good.. It was her birthday today! Poor thing being sad and lonely on your birthday sounds crummy! But she was in good spirits when we talked. Your Dad helped her feel so much better! So I am so Thankful for him! I hope we can get her out here soon! Fingers Crossed!)
I Love You! Just thinnking of you makes me Smile! Miss ya! I think in Heaven we will all be close again... with the florida sun shine shining on us! For the time be enjoy it for me! xoxoxoxox

Laurel Shaw said...

Being a wife and mother is the best. and on the holidays it's magnified somehow!! You din't really want to have us over for conf! You guys had the nicest ever!! and Easter!

Katheryn said...

What a wonderful Easter! Easter with family is the very best :) We really loved conference too. There were so many talks that focused on families and what we can do to make them better. I felt so inspired!

Casey Gentle said...

Looks like a deliciously great day! Love all the pictures, especially of you four. Love the love. Hope all is well.