Thursday, August 26, 2010


 Last Thursday Abigail started her dance classes and fell in love. Her teachers name is Mrs. Jane and she is wonderful.  I watched with a smile on my face for the entire hour as Abi danced, twirled, flipped and tippity tapped. It was so dang cute. I can not let it go with out a big "THANK YOU" to Nana and Grumps & Mam-Maw and Papa. They all have been saying for years that they wanted to pay for dance or whatever Abigail wanted to take. We are not crazy and we took them all up on the offer. Abigail is so lucky to have 4 grandparents that love her and are so close.  Harris could hardly wait till Abi was done before he ran right to her and gave her a giant hug.  Abi you are the best ballerina I have ever seen. Thanks for adding fun to our Thursdays!


Kelly said...

Oh nothing like Dance Class. Some of my Favorite Memories are at dance. I bet Abby is the Teachers highlight of her Thursday! Harris looks like he is happy to be along for the ride! Wish Maizie and Millie were dancing with Abby.

Casey Gentle said...

Happy Thursday to Abi! How fun! And she looks ridiculously cute. Can't wait to see more ballet pics. Mrs. Jane is a lucky lady to have Abi in her class.

The Jackson Family said...

She will be the best little dancer in the family! Just remind her not to follow Auntie Jen footsteps in the dancing department ;)

Pam said...

She is so adorable! I'm sure it was so much fun for you watching her dance. Glad it was a great first day at dance class for her. : )

Katheryn said...

She looks so darling! I can just imagine how cute she looks out there dancing! Mandy is just going to do the class that they are having at the school. She is super excited!