Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Washington Oaks state park

Sunday Aaron and I decided we were in need of some good old family fun so after church we drove to our favorite park Washington Oak state park. Aaron and I went there all the time when we were dating and now we go all the time with our family. We had a great time. First we played on the playground then we went on a walk down the nature trail to the beach, we played, and caught little crabs. It was wonderful. Then on our way back we went to go wash our feet off because they were filthy and Harris decided to play in the water so we took off his clothes to get him clean everywhere which back fired because then when he fell in the leaves and all the water made them stick to him like glue. He looked the a nature monster. He thought it was great and all I got him as clean as possible as soon as possible. It was a lot of fun! 

Then we were off to celebrate Nana's birthday. Aaron made a yummy Greek pasta dinner and we got to enjoy the whole family. Happy Birthday Nana! We love you!


Anonymous said...

I love that park. And I love that picture of a leaf covered Harris. Too cute!

Pam said...

Such cute pictures! I've never heard of that park, but it looks like fun. : )

Casey Gentle said...

Looks like a blast. But who isn't having fun when there's a new Nature Boy in town!? The picture of you is MEGA cute. :)