Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I have a announcment........................

I know I have not blogged in a while but I have a fantastic announcement. Drum role please........... the suitcase has been moved! As many of you know from an older blog Aaron and I were in a battle of wills and I refused to ask him to move the suitcase that has been next to his side of the bed um........ since MAY. Today we are having a baby shower for Aaron's cousin and while I was busy scrubbing the floor I looked up to find my fantastic man moving the suitcase. I have to say it was sexy. I love him!!!!!! Thanks Jammes for all you do for me.


Katheryn said...

Yay Aaron! You are just too funny!

Laurel Shaw said...

You have some will power girl! I would have gave in a long time ago!!! but congrats on a BIG WIN!!

Pam said...

Way to hang in there! You need to have a victory celebration, but I know the biggest victory is that the suitcase was moved. LOL

Casey Gentle said...

You should go on a trip to celebrate...but be careful with packing the suitcase again! :) Win for team Wifey!