Monday, September 27, 2010

My Uncle Eddie

My Uncle Eddie holding Harris. His son Charles is next to him.
Mom and Aunt Debbie worked hard on our T-shirts so we were sure to show them off.

My Uncle Joe, Aunt Debbie,  My cousin Allison, My Aunt Karen,  my cousin Charles, mom and dad at Allison's graduation.
 I just wanted to take a moment to talk about my Uncle Eddie. Most of you know that I have a uncle that recently passed. I am so thankful for all those kind words you gave to me, my family and to my daddy. I love you all. I wanted to share some important things about him. My uncle Eddie was such a great man. I remember being little and watching him and his wife (my Aunt Karen) flirt and hold hands. Even as a young child I remember realizing how much he loved her. My dad has 16 brothers and sisters some have been such wonderful examples of love. My uncle Eddie was one that was always loving and kind. He came and helped put together Christmas toys including Barbie houses and Star wars ships with my dad. He and Aunt Karen assisted in making sure that 3 young children heard the sound of reindeer's and bells ringing outside our windows when Santa came to visit. He gave me a hug and held my tiny daughter and gave me the best advice ever. He told me to relax and enjoy every moment of being a mother. I watched as he was a amazing dad teaching his daughters to be strong and amazing young women. He was a inspiration for what a father son relationship should be. He cherished being a father. I guess in no other words ....... He was a great man! He always had some funny moment to add to the party and loving words to guide who ever needed a piece of advice. He and his family moved to Indiana a number of years ago. He built a life and a family based on Christ like love. He watched children at the nursery in their church and fixed cars for those in need. I am thankful that he is my Uncle Eddie. He taught me a lot about love. I am sad that he is gone but think a lot about the healing and happiness that is going on with his family in heaven.  I can only imagine how happy his brothers and sisters were to once again have his hilariousness.  As for his family My Aunt Karen in no other words encompasses strength. When she and my cousins came for the funeral service here. I had a moment in the bathroom with her that is so special to me. I will always cherish her advice. I love her and the family she has made. My cousin Charles, Allison, and Julia as well are unbelievable. I have watched as they picked up and saw love and beauty in their loss. So when my family and I heard about the American Heart Association walk. I knew my family had to do it. We all did. It was a great day! Mom and Aunt Debbie made shirts with a handsome young uncle Eddie and then we walked.  I watched my dad who loved his brother get emotional as we walked. He walked behind everyone and enjoyed the moment. When I think of my uncle that is what I think he would want. For all of us to enjoy our life. I love my family and admire them all. What a smart and kind thing my heavenly father did giving me such amazing people to love.


Nana said...

That is such a special post. I wish I had known him.

Casey Gentle said...

Ditto to Debby. Anyone related to your dad has to be pretty great. You do such a great job of honoring memories of loved ones. Your thought and consideration is beautiful!!

Pam said...

What a great way to honor your uncle's life and to remember him by doing the heart walk together as a family. He sounds like such a wonderful man and the kind of uncle everyone would love to have. : )

Kelly said...

Oh that was great! I loved the family pic. Loved the girls pic showing off those Hot behinds. WHOOT WHOO! Miss you and your family! You are a LUCKY girl!

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart....What a wonderful way to honor your Uncle Eddie. He was a good man, he will most definately be missed by everyone who knew him.

Thanks to all of my family for the support by participating in the Heart Walk.

Love to you all, Aunt Debbie

Laurel Shaw said...

so sweet Mandy. Way to go supporting such a wonderful cause!
You have such a great family.