Thursday, July 30, 2009


So yesterday me mom, Jen and all the kids went to our favorite craft store. Like normal Abi insisted on spending time with Mammaw. So Abi went off to Mammaws house and then around 6:00 at night mom called to tell me Abi wanted to go home. Most of you know how Abi feels about her Mammaw and Nana. As far as Abigail is concerned they hung the moon. They spoil her rotten and she loves it. So I was shocked she wanted to come home. I went to pick her up and on the car ride home she says " Mommy I think I need to go to the doctor because my tummy hurts" So I say "we will see how you feel in the morning" She responded with this gem " Mommy I think he is going to tell me not to swallow bugs" I say " Did you swallow a bug"? Not really seeing where this conversation was going. In frustration She replies " Mom I did not swallow a bug but one got in there and is making me sick" Ha! Ha! I laughed so hard. I love when those little moments happen. Don't kids say the funniest things? I think everyone should share their kids funniest moments. Sounds like one good laugh to me.


Casey Gentle said...

Cassie could write a book about my nephew Christian's quotes. He is really a funny kid. He has been known to say stuff like "that wasn't just funny, that was Irish funny!" or "Mommy, who ate the rest of the oreos? Do you think it was the Ghost of Elvis?" Kids really are a blast.

Katheryn said...

Ha!!! That is too funny. I hope she is feeling better today. It is awful to be sick and even worse when it's one of your children.

Ilene said...

EWH! I think I feel her pain, I'd be feeling sick too...Just found your blog. Hope you don't mind that I commented. It's too cute!