Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Harris = F-U-N

On Saturday the kids were playing and Aaron and I took the opportunity to snuggle on the couch for a second then we hear something dragging on the floor. We look up to see Harris coming from our bedroom pulling our wicker laundry basket. Once he got it to us he, dumped it over, rocked it until he got the basket standing up and then played Peek -A- Boo for the next little bit. He is such a boy always bringing the fun! Where's Harrris?

Here he is.....
Obviously in a laundry basket!


Brittney said...

That looks like fun! I remember playing with Wyatt like that when he was a baby! But sometimes we couldn't find him!!! LOL! :) Hope you had a great time! Love always, Britt :)

Katheryn said...

So cute! Don't you just love all the things kids come up with!

The Jackson Family said...

Harris = Cute!!! That boy is so adorable!!!

Laurel Shaw said...

you have yourself one cute boy there mandy! it feels good doesn't it!!!