Saturday, January 16, 2010


Does anyone want a dog?
What does that have to do with Abigail's black eye you ask? Our dog Coheed caused it! I am not a spanker or a hitter. Growing up I was never spanked and I am blessed with the wonderful blessing of having a daughter who thinks going to 'time out' is the worst punishment ever. What does that have to do with the dog and the black eye? Well let me tell you the story. Our dog Coheed I love but drives me INSANE! From the day we brought him home we have had a love hate relationship. When Aaron was home he would be perfect. When I was with him he learned how to jump a 6 ft. privacy fence and run away for hours, potty where ever possible, and ate anything and everything (pain medicine after a surgery, my parents couch, toys, shoes, batteries) you name it and he ate it. The other day he was running around and knocked Harris over I was annoyed but Harris was fine. I was holding Harris calming him down when it happened. He ran up behind Abigail and hit her, she lost her balance and fell right smack into the corner of the coffee table. Her eye was black and blue within minutes. Abigail was fine after a long completely understandable spell of crying. She calmed down and decided that her next plan of action would be to call Nana and Mam-Maw and tell them what happened. Then daddy was the next call and this is what she said "daddy Coheed hurt me...... I have a black eye..... mommy beat him .......don't worry he will be OK." I thought it was sweet. Her concern was with our crazy dog who had gotten a spanking rather than her own sad state. I love how even after hurting her she was full of love and compassion for the dog. I am glad Abigail is OK and happy. Even black and blue she is the best. I also have to admit that spanking the dog in that moment... Not so hard!


Katheryn said...

Poor thing! I hope it heals quickly!

Stacy Pettersen said...

That is hysterical... well not that she got hurt, but what she said on the phone, "Mommy beat him." Yep, I think I would have beat him too!

Brittney said...

Aw that stinks!!! I hope that she is okay! She so cute! I love how she said that "mommy beat him" she si super adorable!!! Yea I think that if he hurt my little bro that I would yell at him! My little dog would give you the little sad face and how can you not feel bad! LOL :) Love always, Britt :)