Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Best birthday ever!

Today is my birthday. I am now 27. Wow time flies! I just want to share how thankful I am. I started this blog to enjoy keeping a record of my family. So I just want to share with everyone what the Jammes family has to be thankful for. The other day I took Harris to the doctor for his normal healthy baby stuff and the doctor told me the he had a " loud and significant" heart murmur. We were referred over to the University of Florida Pediatric Cardiologist. Today was his a appointment. I truly felt like everything was fine. We prayed and gave him a blessing. My real concern was that they were going to have to do these test that would hurt him or scare him. In the past week I thought a lot about how lucky and blessed I am. Then today on my birthday we went to his appointment and everything is perfect. He has what is considered a functional heart murmur.Which is fantastic! I was so relieved I did a little crying in the office. Then on the car ride home I said a little prayer to my Heavenly Father. I am so thankful for my life. I am so thankful that my children are happy and healthy. I totally underestimated what my own mom went threw during my whole childhood. I was also speechless at the love my heavenly father has for me. I lived for one week thinking of the hard times and trails my son word have to suffer threw if he did indeed have a heart problem. I can not imagine what my heavenly father most have felt knowing the hurt and the pain his son would suffer threw on behalf of me and my family and everyone I know and love. In one word I am so thankful for the reminder to love every moment in life good or bad. Words can never express the blessing my family and I have been given. Hard times or good times we have one another and a love that will last for all eternity. Today was a great day. Happy birthday to me and a high five to my Hare Bear who is a healthy little man.


Katheryn said...

Happy Birthday! What a blessing that Harris turned out to be just fine! He is such a darling. So are you!

Janie Mueller said...

Happy Birthday!!! Glad to hear your little man is ok:)

The Jackson Family said...

I am glad it is your best birthday ever! and I am more glad everything is okay with Hare Bear! This just shows the power of prayer!!!

adrienzgirl said...

Happy Birthday Mandi!

Casey Gentle said...

We are so glad to hear everything is fine with Harris. I told Mark and he said "so, the littlest Jew is ok?" I told him yes and he said "GOOD!" and then walked in to check on Marky. We are thankful for friends like you and great blessing for birthdays. You didn't even need the candles after that! :) Love ya!

Laurel Shaw said...

YOu must have been freaking out!
I was reading that and I am not his mother. It's great he is alright!! Happy Birthday girl. I hope you have a great year. 27- enjoy it! Before you know it you'll be turning 33! Yikes!

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday! I wish I could have watched the kids for you while you and your Honey could have gone to Celebrate!
Happy to hear Harris is healthy. I have thought of that 10000 times. What a blessing! We sure miss you guys and Sunday is going to be rough not to have Abby to sit by in Primary! Not sure how Millie will make it. We Love you! Thanks for coming and playing and helping us move. We count our blessing that we have you as our friends!