Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We Lived.......

...and we learned. Saturday Harris our new ADORABLE FULL TIME WALKER fell and had a nasty bump on his lip. He was fine and tough as always until Sunday when we were watching and playing with Abigail and Harris. Abigail loves to push her brother around in her baby stroller. HE LOVES IT! He giggles and smiles and enjoys being the center of attention. We love aitting back and watching them play together. Then it happened he got so exciting clapping and cheering he flew right out of the stroller and landed right on his lip... again. Thankfully no one was badly hurt in the stunt. His little lip was a bit swollen and suffered a blow but yet again he is a champ and was off to play something else with his sister.

The something else ended up being karate chop. A game we in the Jammes house plays because in case you do not know I AM A LETHAL WEAPON! That's right I am. When I was younger before my crazy legs I along with all my family, my mom and dad included all took classes together. It was great fun. Now days we run around our house pretending to karate chop one another and it is lots of fun. We all at one point never cease to end up in a big pile giggling and laughing together on the floor. As you can see Harris is a HUGE fan! Look at the grin on his face... CUTE! Do not let Abigail's girly way fool you that girl can hold her own. Just another fun yet accident prone day at the Jammes home!


Casey Gentle said...

Good thing you got your pictures done before the lip-cident. Chop those boys up girls!

Laurel Shaw said...

Poor Harris! I hope he will still go on his stroller rides!! it looks like so much fun. Abby is a great big sister.
And your New Years looks like fun! The boring old Shaws just went to bed. LAME!!!

Brittney said...

That is so sad!!! And at the same time so sweet! Abi waspushing her baby brother areound in her baby stroller! That is so cute!!!! But I hope that Harris is okay! :) And hopefully he will still go on little rides! It looks like so much fun! When me and Wyatt were little we did the same thing! I am glad that you had a happy New Year!! Love always, Britt :)

Katheryn said...

Poor guy! I hope his lip is feeling lots better. I love it that you guys like to karate chop each other. Now I don't feel so bad about some of the rough housing we do with our kids :)

The Sorrell Family said...

Can we please go back to the part about Harris walking? I love you girl and will try to call you soon (when I am not having a nervous break down) we can catch up