Saturday, January 2, 2010

New photos!!!!

Thursday we went and had some new photos taken. My in laws gave me a $100.00 gift certificate to JC Penney's for Christmas to get them done. Thanks! I think we got some cute pictures. Overall though I was a little disappointed. We always get photos done there that are great. Lots of poses, props, and fun backgrounds to choose from. This time we got nothing. Either way though we had fun and my cuties are pretty darn cute!


Katheryn said...

I think they turned out really good. The family ones are great and I love the close ups on Abigail's and Harris's faces. They are both so cute!

Janie Mueller said...

Very Beautiful!! I love all of them:)

The Jackson Family said...

They did a good job at gettimg Harris and Abi to both look at the camera and smile!They sure are cute!

Laurel Shaw said...

Great Photo's! Great Family!!

Laurel Shaw said...

p.s. I love the new blog background ANd header. I hope you don't mind I went to the same web site to get my new one. I love it!

adrienzgirl said...

You guys are so darn cute!! I love the kids together pic!!

Brittney said...

They turned out great!!! I love the family pictures the best! I also love the one of Abigail and Harris together!!! They are all great!!! I love all the pictures they are all just so beatiful!!! Love always, Britt :)