Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jesus want Abigail for a.....

SUNBEAM. I am a little late but better late than never. Last Sunday Abigail started Sunbeams at church. AMAZING! I can not believe that my baby is in SUNBEAMS. Boo was the oldest kid in nursery (she missed the mark last year by less than 3 months) so needless to say she was ready. Our home has been filled with excitement and lots of talk on her new roll in church and primary. On Sunday Aaron had a horrible migraine and had been up all night. When I told Abigail Daddy was not going she broke out in tears that daddy was not going to be their for her grand entry into primary. I meant to take another picture when I returned home but forgot. Nonetheless Abigail had a great day. Our Primary president and friend asked the new little sunbeams to stand up and the other children sang the welcome song to them and right as the song started my dad snuck in and we both gave each other a tearful embrace at how proud and amazed that our little girl is a sunbeam. Thanks dad! The only thing that could have made the day better was Aaron being there to celebrate. I love you Abigail and in the future do not grow up so fast mommy needs you little for a little longer. Thanks for giving us years of hilarity, smiles, love, fashion tips, and a magic. I love you Boo and so does daddy!


The Jackson Family said...

Abigail is so cute in primary! Today her saying the article of faith was the cutest ever!!

Janie Mueller said...

Oh my heck!! She is the cutest thing. I enjoyed watching her today doing the hand motions and singing. She is such a doll!! I also got the pleasure of sitting in the hall during the last part of sacrament and listening to her tell us about the princess and frog movie. Embrace every moment with that sweet beautiful angel you and Aaron have created.

Brittney said...

Aw I am so glad for her!! And she will love her primary president and teacher! I just love her and she is so sweet! :) I wiss that I could have been there for her big grand entrence! Sadly I am out of primary! :( Today me and Mckinnley kept looking at eachother and frowned! We miss primary so much!!! :) Love always, Britt

Katheryn said...

She has done so well in primary, you would think she was an old pro! She is so cute and it is easy to understand how proud you are of her.