Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy 2010!!!!!

I hope that you all had a great happy New Years..Aaron and I certainly did. My mom in law always watches our babies which = DATE! Normally Aaron and go to the dance but this year everyone we knew did not go. Which worked out great because a even better offer came our way to go to our friends Cassie and Jason's home and celebrate with our other close buddies Casey and Mark. Aaron got a new poker set from my mom and dad for Christmas and it was on.
Mark was not so excited about poker in the beginning, but quickly fell in love and was winning left and right in no time.

Casey on the other hand not so much! She gets a A+ for effort though.

The big winner ( of nothing but the title of WINNER) was Jason. Cassie really wanted his big winnings and tried her best to steal them. We had a great time and enjoyed our alone time! We love you guys thanks for the invite.
My GOALS next year:
-Have a cleaner home
-Enjoy the little things in life
-Double our food storage
- Be a more patient wife and mother
I hope you all have a great and happy New Years! The Jammes family loves you all and are thankful for all the memories you helped us make in 2009!


adrienzgirl said...

Happy New Year Mandi!

Katheryn said...

Those are some great all goals. All things that I need to work on too. Glad you guys rang in the new year with lots of fun!!!