Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Jammes!

Today is Aaron's birthday! I am very excited! He is 27 years old today. I just wanted to take a moment and tell him how much I love him. I have known Aaron my whole life- almost and the day that he held my hand, or kiss me for the first time I would have never thought it would be life changing. I am blessed and he is the blessing that I am most thankful for because with out him I would not have my babies or my eternal marriage. He is strong, supportive, sexy, sweet, a amazing father, a great hubby, a provider, a friend, a quiet thinker, a talented drummer, the funniest person I know and most of all a man with a deep faith that guides his family in every decision that needs to be made. I love you! I hope this year is better than last and I hope you have the best Birthday ever! Happy birthday Jammes!


The Jackson Family said...

Happy Birthday Aaron!!!

Katheryn said...

Happy Birthday Aaron! I know Mandi will make it a special day for you, so enjoy!!!

Laurel Shaw said...

Happy Birthday Aaron! Have a great day!! and year!

Janie Mueller said...

Happy B-day to your man!! :)

Brittney said...

Happy birthday Aaron!!! I hope that you had a great one! Britt :)

Casey Gentle said...

Hope your presents were the best ever. Mark wants to know if you'd like to meet him online soon?!