Sunday, January 24, 2010

Train Conductor!

Since I have known my husband which is almost my whole life he has loved trains. Grandpa Jammes who Aaron was very close with worked for the railroad and it was his dream to work for the railroad and drive a train. The beginning of our marriage Aaron worked at FedEx Kinko's. Then he got a Job at a company called Southwest Signal Engineering where he eventually did C.A.D work and he was able to draw up blueprints for railroad crossings. Then we were blessed to get a dream job a CSX. Where he called crews to work on trains. Not long after we hit a bump in the road and got the blow that he would be losing his job. Thankfully we were blessed with the fact that Aaron was born in January which allowed him to bump someone for a job in the downtown office. Then we heard of a job in the printing department which is where he is now. We are thankful that he has a job and even better has a job he loves. I tell you that because it has been a crazy year and I figured I should document it so that I will always remember how blessed we have been. Working where Aaron works now he has met the owner of the company, made some friends, and hears about perks and fun stuff. Which brings me to my point. CSX donated the train at the Jacksonville Zoo and last Saturday they had a Volunteer day and workers of the company were able to drive the train for a hour threw out the day. It was fun! His mom and sister Aubrey joined in because everyone knows how exciting this was to him. He did great! We had a great day and enjoyed our family. It is funny how something so simple can remind you of how thankful I need to be for all the little moments in life. I was unbelievably proud watching as he accomplished a part of a dream he has had since he was a child. I love my family and how hard Aaron works for us. I am glad we got to have a day to celebrate and have fun with him. I love you, Jammes! He is a great daddy!

3 generations of Jammes girls!

Here is the train conductor himself. He looks handsome in his conductors hat!

His proud family! We had a great day!


Katheryn said...

That is SO cool that he got to drive the train! Some jobs just have really great perks :) The train is one of Dallin's favorite parts of the zoo. When I tell him about Aaron getting to drive it, he is going to be so so jealous!!!!

adrienzgirl said...

That is awesome Aaron got to drive the train. The kids probably thought it was awesome for Daddy to be driving it too!

Laurel Shaw said...

How many peolpe actually get to live a dream? Not many. He's a lucky man. Nut I know his real dream come true is his Family!
Looks like a cool day!

Casey Gentle said...

That's bear awesome! What a super fun time for y'all. Glad you took pictures to document it so well. :)