Friday, December 11, 2009

Just like her Father!

I would be the first to admit that my daughter is just like me. I Think she looks like me, talks like me, is sassy like me, she is very sensitive and knows what she wants. However, one things she gets from her father that she is a tornado. She can get a room messy in no time. I truly sit back and just watch in amazement that a child can make the kind of mess. Aaron is the same way. After 5 years of marriage he is still the messiest person I know. I love them and oddly enough I love that the 2 of them have this in common. Mess and I all I will keep them.


The Jackson Family said...

I must second this!!! She is like a tornado! But she sure is a cute one and you never know what her excuse will be for making such big mess!

Katheryn said...

Even when making a mess she is cute! Maybe my kids are related somewhere far back along the line and got the messy gene too, because they can sure be a whirlwind too!!!!!!!

Brittney said...

she may make a mess but she a cutie!!!! at least she has a good excuse for making a mess! I get it from my daddy! :) Britt