Monday, December 28, 2009

Twas the night before christmas.....

Abigail has been asking and begging to go see the movie " Princess and the frog" I decided that Since we did nit have anywhere to be Abigail and I would wake up early and go to see it. We had both been looking forward to it all week. Aaron happily stayed back and him and Harris did their "boy" stuff. First we went to the jiffy store and picked some the all important candy that is needed when seeing a movie. Abigail thought that it was so fun. We have recently given her some chores around the house and she gets .25 cents for every chore she does. She had saved her little quarters up and after deciding what she had money to buy marched up to the counter and put all her little quarters up there to pay. It was really cute. Then we were off to see the long awaited movie. It was really cute and had a great storyline and meaning. She was so excited all threw the movie she would look at me and tell me how happy she was. I am not sure whether I watched the movie or her more. Sometimes I look at her and wonder how she got to be so big. I think I was looking forward to the time together more than she was. I am a lucky woman!
Then like every Christmas Eve since I was a child. I made some Peanut butter fudge. Abigail and I were the only ones that made it from beginning to end but we got to enjoy the fudge first. The recipe was my Mam-Maws and making it is one of my favorite traditions of the holiday. Mess and all I love it and all the memories it has given me threw the years. I hope it goes on for years and generations to come.

Next the kids napped and we were off to Nana's and Grump's house for Christmas Eve with Aaron's family. We had a great time. Lots of yummy food, great company, and lots of fun are something that is a guarantee at the Jammes home.

When we were home we grabbed our reindeer food and threw it in the yard so, that they could eat while Santa was busy dropping off all the goodies. Abigail and daddy wrote Santa a letter making sure that he knew why she was "nice" this year. Abigail made some fudge and milk for him so he was sure not to be hungry on the big day. We snuggled up and read the story of Christs birth and then were off to bed. Abigail was sure to remind us to not forget to have family prayer and then volunteered to say it. The first thing she said was " Please, Please Heavenly forgive me for all my naughty things so Santa will have to come" Gotta love the sweet little things children say. I hope your Christmas Eve was filled with as much love and fun as our families.


Katheryn said...

Reindeer food. I'm going to have to remember that one for next year. Looks like you guys had a great time! So what did you get for Christmas?

Brittney said...

Aw that is so cute... Reindeer food!!! I knew that I forgot something! I will remember next year! :) Hopefully they went by your house first so they weren't so hungrey when they were at my house!!! It seems like it was a really fun Christmas! So what did goodies did Santa bring you?
Love always, Britt :)