Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A sad day in Jammes home

Since the movie "The Princess and the frog" Abi had been obsessed with frogs. IT TOTALLY GROSSES ME OUT! For those of you who may not know I am kinda a germ phobic. However I decided that I was going to let her be a kid and I would just follow her around with disinfectant. The other day Abi found her a frog and when it was time to go inside, she decided that she would put him in her play house mail slot. When she woke up she woke up begging to go play with him. To our surprise when we went outside we found a sad sad thing.
He went "belly up" literally. She was devastated. We decided to have a proper burial ( Aaron threw him in the ditch when she was not looking) and then Abi said we needed flowers so she added some. Oh, lives lessons are sometimes tough. Do not be to sad she found another frog and he has never been discussed again.


Erin said...

That is the saddest (and truthfully) one of the greatest frog pictures I have ever seen! Poor Abi...such a tender little heart. I am glad she found a new friend to make her happy! ...and the flowers are just priceless.

Kelly said...

That was a Happy ending to a sad story! I'm glad she is on to bigger and better.

I feel for you and those frogs! I hate Germs! Harris is going to love to have a brave sister to play with... Who would have Thunk Abby would be so tough!

Laurel Shaw said...

Glad Abby Bounced back so quickly! ahe is a perfect match for Isaac! We had fun Playing with you today!