Friday, September 25, 2009

..... night shift can be fun!!!

So I recently decided I am going to celebrate Friday like I would if I was spending it with my Hubby. Since he works I decided who do I love that could bring some giggles and I thought of my niece and nephew. I invited and they came with bells on. We have had a blast! I was given rules and bed times that went right out the window when their mom and dad left. We played outside in the dark, ate pizza and candy.... oops! Then made a tent to sleep under and watch movies that maybe was past their bed time.... Sorry! I have sworn them to secrecy and we will never tell them all the rebel fun we had :)
Harris bounced in his bouncer while we played outside until it was dark and then a little longer. Sometimes it is just fun to break the roles!

Then we took our showers got my little cutie to sleep then we made our own tent that all 3 kids could fit under. It was a bit Challenging I am not going to lie, but a hour later I did a little proud/happy dance for a job well done.

Then we picked a movie got in the amazingly well crafted tent to watch the lovable family favorite "Toy Story"

I realized 2 things tonight I can challenge Aaron to a tent building contest and maybe even beat him. Then I learned Fridays can be fun even if Aaron can not be here. I love being a Auntie and I can not wait to get Kynleigh in the mix. Soon I could have 6 sleeping bags and 1 hugely magnificent tent!!! I can not wait!!!


Katheryn said...

When did Nicholas get a mohawk? Too funny. Loved your tent building skills. You are one terrific indoor camper!

The Jackson Family said...

I must say I am jealous I wasn't there! All the tent building reminds me of when we were kids! I am glad that that had that night to have a blast!

Kelly said...

You are the Cutest Mom/Auntie I know. I love how you relish in the "Simple Things" in life. That is all that matters anyways! What Lucky kids... I would have loved to joined in on the Tent Contest. I can make a Mean Tent. It's one of our Favorite things to do. Wish I could have seen the Happy Dance! I know you have good moves!