Monday, November 2, 2009

All dressed up!

Our family like everyone else's that I know had a crazy, busy, but, fun week. We started things out Getting home from our get away Monday, Tuesday I was sick, Wednesday was trunk or treat at church, Thursday was one of my best buds Nancy's Baby shower, Friday we had a reception and by Saturday the kids were both sick and I was exhausted. I have to say I had a great time with every activity but was ready to have it all of over with and be on to the next thing. I hope I am not the only one that had that thought. This was my Hare Bear's first Halloween and first Trunk or Treat. He was just starting to get a little cold and was not feeling great. I was working one of the games and with Aaron at work I was sad he missed it and in need of a second hand when a friends thoughtful hubby stepped in and offered to hold him. Thanks again Kelly and Heath! He even came back to me with a tissue for his noise and all. You Thompson's are amazing!
Abigail was "Snow White" and Harris was my little "Muscle Man"
We were all so excited because all of our cousins were there. We enjoyed them all!

Halloween day we were all sick and were not exactly sure any of us were going Trick or Treating. In the end we all went had a excellent time and enjoyed family time. Sick or not we loved it. Abigail was a little frustrated when people did not have their lights on. At one point she looked up at Aaron and said " Dad don't they know I am Snow White"

I took the easy job of pushing Harris and Aaron had Abigail did all the knocking and trick or treating.

By the end of the night I think that this is how we all felt. We had a great night and are feeling like our normal family again. Sick or not the Jammes family LOVES Halloween!!


Katheryn said...

Sorry you guys all got sick! But wow, that really was one crazy busy week. I can totally understand being grateful that it is over and that you made it through happily. I just loved Harris' costume. It was so cute to watch him crawl around it. It made me smile every time I looked at him :) And Abi was so pretty Snow White. But then she is always pretty!

Laurel Shaw said...

I hope you are feeling better now.
You are super woman. You sould be her next year for halloween!!! Your babies were so cute in their get-up's. Now get some rest!!!

adrienzgirl said...

Sorry to hear about being sick, seems to be EVERYWHERE. Your munchkins were TOO cute in their costumes.

The Jackson Family said...

Oh I love Hare Bears costume! And Abigail always looks cute!