Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What can I can I say... he is trouble!

Sunday we had a surprise birthday party for my mom everything was clean but I had to do a quick mop job. Even with being the most prepared a mop is always needed with Harris and Abigail. My sister Jennifer called I got to talking turned around to hear a big boom and a gush. I saw my little trouble maker swimming in the mop water. He was so happy! I was horrified!
Look at him he is soaking wet and so fast. Oh, I am sure this is just a start into what he is going to get into.

I am not sure if you can see the water. To give you a better idea the mop bucket was full. There was water everywhere.

Harris is loving it. He was laughing every time he would slide he thought is was hilarious. He was having so much fun I almost let him play. I came to my senses and remembered he was sick and playing in mop water ad went into action.... well after I snapped a couple pictures of course.



The Jackson Family said...

He maybe trouble but he is so cute!

Janie Mueller said...

I love it!! He a such a cutie indeed:)

adrienzgirl said...


Katheryn said...

Hahahahaha! You gotta love little boys! So cute and trouble all at the same time!

Erin said...

Two words, my friend: Swifer WetJet...its made with little monkeys in mind.

Casey Gentle said...

I love trouble! But you probably already knew that. Super cute.