Thursday, November 5, 2009

Most of you know that Aaron plays the drums. He has played ever since I can remember. Harris I already know is going to do the same. When I was preggo with him I swear he played the drums in my belly. Everyday when I give him his bath. I am reminded of being pregnant with him. He splashes and plays water drums like he is a rock star. I love little baby bottoms!!

We use Crayola water color tablets so everyone knows. I am pretty sure Harris is not "playing" drums. matter the age they love their "goods"

Here he is going wild. Poor Abigail gets splashed all the time and here she is getting him back. It backfired and only fueled the flame and for the rest of bath time they splashed each other untill I took them out.

Look at the intensity.

Here he is laughing because of all the mess he is making. I would so "No, No, Harris" and he would giggle and continue. I can not wait to see Aaron giving him drum lessons on actual drums! He will be a pro!


adrienzgirl said...

Now I just keep hearing Party Like A Rockstar over and over. :)

Erin said...

It looks like you need one of those industrial water soker-upper bath mats in your bathroom, too! I swear my kids think the object of a bath is to get as much water on each other and the floor as possible...I can wait to see what it is like when all four of them are in the tub!

The Jackson Family said...

Oh that little bottom is cute! Between Kynleigh and Harris splashing Abi you would think that she would want to take baths by herself!

Katheryn said...

His little bum is so cute! I'm going to have to try out those crayola tablets. I'm sure my kids would LOVE them.

Kelly said...

What fun tub time! Love the color water! I love it when you can hear the kids splashing and laughing in the tub... the clean up sometimes not so fun!
I have been so busy and have missed so much blogs.. love your MOM she is one in a million. Hope her birthday was good... I heard she is sick! I hope she gets better real quick!
That trunk or treat was fun! Your kids were darling! to say the least! Heath was in HEAVEN having Harris to hold and love on. He told me, Mandi didn't let me hold him long enough.. We both would love to hold him any time or day of the week! I don't think that kid has a bit of trouble in him! He is sooo sweet! But growning up way to fast!
You might have to pick some good dance moves so you can be the back up dancer you can join the family band! love you!

Kelly said...

What fun tub time! Love the color water! I love it when you can hear the kids splashing and laughing in the tub... the clean up sometimes not so fun!
I have been so busy and have missed so much blogs.. love your MOM she is one in a million. Hope her birthday was good... I heard she is sick! I hope she gets better real quick!
That trunk or treat was fun! Your kids were darling! to say the least! Heath was in HEAVEN having Harris to hold and love on. He told me, Mandi didn't let me hold him long enough.. We both would love to hold him any time or day of the week! I don't think that kid has a bit of trouble in him! He is sooo sweet! But growning up way to fast!
You might have to pick some good dance moves so you can be the back up dancer you can join the family band! love you!

Kelly said...

opps I will try not to hit post 400 times... I am a ding dong!