Wednesday, November 11, 2009

9 MONTHS!!!!

Harris is 9 months today. It is so hard to believe we are closer to a year old than we are further away from it. I love him and I am already planning the big celebration in my head. Things that have changed from 8 months to 9 months:
-He stands up all by himself.
-He loves baby food more than bottles.
-He mimics what we do like when we sneeze he fake sneezes, or when we cough he fake coughs.
-He takes bath's with Abigail without falling over.
-He plays by himself;
-He loves Hide- N- Go Seek.
-He dances whenever there is music on.
-He gets in to trouble faster.
-He giggles at everything Coheed, the phone, Abigail, toys. We will be in the middle of something and hear him giggling so we go to investigate just to find him enjoying life.
One thing that will never change is no matter how big he gets or how I think I can not imagine I can love him more, I DO! Happy 9 months Hare Bear! I can not wait to see what will change next month!
I also wanted to give a quick thanks to all the people that have or are serving in the military. Thank You for making this country a better place and for all the sacrifices you make for families like mine.
Happy Veterans day!


The Jackson Family said...

It seems like just yesterday we were all at the hospital waiting and making bets on how much he would weigh. He is such a smart little boy. I can't wait till him and Kynleigh are running around causing trouble it is going to be so cute! Give him lots of kisses for me!

Katheryn said...

He really is so cute! I love it that you listed everything that has changed in just one month. It is amazing how fast they grow and change!

Laurel Shaw said...

He's already nine months? Taht was fast. I love the comment he get's in trouble faster. and they never slow down!!! It's us that have to learn to keep up with them! good luck!