Monday, March 29, 2010

She's a Graden

The other night I woke up to a light on and the noise of a drink being fixed. So I got out of bed and to my surprise found Abigail pouring herself a cup of Coke. She's a sneak! When I caught her I said " Abigail what are you doing?" She said simply " Mom if I asked you, you would have gotten me water so I was sneaking the good stuff" Oh the things kids learn when you think they are not paying attention.


The Jackson Family said...

Not just a coke but a DIET Coke... I wonder where she got that from?!?!?

adrienzgirl said...

I must be a Graden too if Diet Coke is the only prerequisite. :D

Go Abby!

Casey Gentle said...

If she got water from the water cooler, she would've heard too much. Good thing she went with a harmless diet coke!! Way to go Abi!! :)

Laurel Shaw said...

oh boy! I know how she feels I have to "sneak" the good stuff from Chris! He's always giving me slack about caff! Abby is too cute! But I'd keep an eye on that Girl!!!

Laurel Shaw said...

p.s. I love the new Family pic! Ya'll look great!!

Katheryn said...

That is ridiculously hilarious! She just knows exactly what she wants, that's all. She is so cute!

I second Laurel - your new family picture looks great!

Erin said...

I third the opinion - great picture!
What a little character! "the good stuff" hahahahahaha...reminds me of when we figured out Jake wasn't asking for 'juice', he was asking for 'dew'. *sigh*