Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Aren't TV's nice?

On days when you have loads of stuff to do around the house and a adorable but cranky 8 month old, and rain filled back yard TVs really are so nice. I love the PBS channel I can put it on for Abigail get what I need to done and then enjoy the rest of the day with my cuties. I know in a perfect world parking Abigail in front of a TV is not my first game plan but sometimes it happens and it is kinda nice. Besides 'Sesame St" is a great show great right?


Katheryn said...

Yep, as much as I know TV may not exactly be the very best thing in the world for my kids, I love the few minutes of distraction it is. Seriously - we couldn't live without it!

Laurel Shaw said...

Who hasn't done that!? She looks absoultely cozy in that chair. And Harris in his crib is adorable!