Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Peek -A- Boo

Recently Hare Bear has gotten to a age where he is loads of fun! He has always been cute and adorable But now he is Hilarious and super fun. I love it!! His new favorite game is peek a boo every single nap and morning It is a must played game in the Jammes home. Get ready set play...
Where's Harris?
Here he is....

Where's Harris?

Here he is.....

Where is Harris?......
Peek A Boo..... Here he is!!!

Where is my Hare Bear?.....

Here he is.....
I love you Hare Bear thanks for playing with your crazy mommy!


Kelly said...

I could go for a fun game of Peek-a-boo with him... but the deal would be that I would get to hug and kiss on him a little! Oh Everytime I see him he gets cutier!

Katheryn said...

He is such a darling. Every time I see him, he always seems to be smiling! Must be because he knows he has a great mom :)

Laurel Shaw said...

Is he really going to marry Hazel?
Cuz if that doesn't work- Maybe Ida!!! He is so cute!!