Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Looks like trouble ahead

The other day Jen and Kynleigh came over. The kids played while we did some scrapbooking. They play great together and live to see each other. Jen and I got busy and looked down to see what they were up to and saw Kynleigh and Harris going to town meddling in Jens diaper bag. When we caught them they both gave us these little smiles that to me clearly meant " We are not even getting started" I had a moment where I saw the future mischief these 2 are going to get into together and I was really happy and a little sacred at what they are possibly going to do in the future. Either way we love our Kynleigh and love that they will always have each other. I know I have said it before but cousins are great!


adrienzgirl said...

You have NO idea....little boys should all have the middle name T-R-O-U-B-L-E! :D

Katheryn said...

Trouble indeed! Oh messes you are going to have to clean up from those too! Just remember to laugh while you are doing it. Somehow that makes it easier :)