Monday, October 5, 2009

Look what Harris did...

So Saturday morning I woke up to a normal morning of hearing Harris' sweet little voice chit-chatting over the baby monitor. I got of bed, walked to his room, and opened his door to see him STANDING UP in his crib for the very first time. I did not know whether to giggle or cry. I choose to sweep him up in a big hug and give him kisses... I could not resist. I was so proud of my Little man I forgot to take a picture of the actual event so this picture is him at nap time. I opened the to one little smiley boy who was giggling that now daddy joined in all the excitement. Oh Harris how did we ever make it with out you? You are so darn cute!! I can not believe you are on your way to walking. I can not wait to see all the things that you will do to make me smile. I love you son!


Katheryn said...

It really does seem like he is growing up crazy fast. It seems like you had him! He is such a cutie pie!

Kelly said...

It doesn't seen possible that he could be that big already! He is one tough kid! It's so hard to be a Mom... You want to Celebrate all the 1st Yet... So hard to watch them Grow!
Oh those eyes of his are a Knock Out! The ladies are going to be a chasen! I love him!