Monday, August 31, 2009
60 years young?
Friday, August 28, 2009
I saved the best for last!!
Here is my little niece Kynleigh Mae. What a cutie! I enjoyed loving on her for 4 days non stop! Keep up the growling it's to die for.
Here's my girl look at that cute face!!!!
Doesn't he look thrilled?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Take 2
I think most women know that you do not have a excellent girls trip with out excellent food. One of my favorite foods in this world is my aunt Debbie's homemade french bread pizza it is divine. My other favorite is white chocolate pretzels. I do not care for chocolate but white chocolate pretzels I love! I got both on my trip!
Then we got in a second round of shopping. This time Abigail was the hunter and I realized she already has a love for shoes. We laughed just watching her try on shoes for almost 30 minuets. It was so cute!
Later in the week we got all dressed up and somehow we all met in the living room after getting ready to discover we were all wearing black and white. It was fun! We Checked out the country's tallest lighthouse then did some more shopping and ended the night with dinner at Chilli's. We can not get enough of the 2 for $20.00 deal.
The Beach & pool were the hot spots. Abigail loved it and Harris well Harris slept like a log. At the beach and in the pool. Yes you read that right he went sound asleep right in my arms in the pool. I loved it!
At night Me and the kids got in some giggles and grins before bed time. We had so much fun. Mam-Maw would work her magic and the babies would be sound asleep. The first night we were there Jen and I shared a room with all the babies but the 2 little stinkers (Harris and Kynleigh) woke up all night talking and laughing when they realized their cousin was right next to them in their own pack and play. It was adorable until about 3 am. That is when I decided they were going to have to be in separate rooms. They just love one another to much.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Girls just want to have fun!
When we went to check in to our condo after lugging 4 women's and 3 babies luggage up to the 7th floor we were told we had to wait outside while they finished cleaning the condo. The kids we ready for naps and to get out and go. Here is Harris and Kynleigh waiting. Oh they are the cutest little cousins. I love to watch them play.
Jen and I Yeah!!! I love you sis and I had fun talking and hunting for the best deal for our cute new purses. I loved watching you with Abigail and Harris you are a great Auntie! My favorite was beating you at cards. Thanks for the Queen! You are a great Sister, Auntie ,and friend!
Friday, August 21, 2009
It never ends.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
" But Mommy I love him"
Here is Harris a LITTLE frightened . I love his cute little face. Poor Harris! Abigail is such a little mommy I have feeling this is not the last time he will be loved all over by her.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I love nap time!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Cheese please!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Does Heavenly father have a swimming suit?
So, Today me and the kids went to go hang out with one of my favorite Aunts. We had to drive all the way to Callahan which is a good 45 min. to a hour long drive. On the way home Abigail and I had a fun talk I thought it was adorable so I thought I would share.
Abigail: "How do I get in the clouds?"
Me: " You have to ride on a plane"
Abigail: "Then when I am in the clouds I can go swimming with Heavenly Father?"
Me: " Well You have to wait until you die to go see Heavenly Father But yes I am sure you can go Swimming when you are really old and go to live with him"
Abi: " Mom I know I can not go swimming with Heavenly Father until I am done here But I was just wondering if Heavenly Father has a swim suit ?"
Me : " I am sure he does I bet it is the coolest one of all"
Abi: " I bet he has that one at target with all the princess's on it"
I thought I was going to cry I was laughing so hard. Not at all where I thought that conversation was going but I sure did enjoy it while it lasted. Oh the things kids think about. I was all ready to give Abigail the first discussion and she was dying to know about his bathing suit. I love you, my Boo Bear!!!!