I think like most moms, I love nap time! I love my kids but
some things are just easier with out my babies in the same room. So I thought I would share my top 10 reasons why I love nap time.
1.) I love my kids little smashed faces as they dream about the all the sweet things kids dream about.
2.) I love to laundry with out Abigail playing in them and pretending like they are a Choo- Choo train.
3.) I may actually get a nap my self!
4.) I can talk on the phone with out hearing " Momma- Momma"
5.) My house is quiet
6.) I can clean to without holding a baby on my hip
7.) I can catch up on my TV shows and be a guilt free bum.
8.) I can scrapbook
9.)I get 3 times as much done in 1/2 the time
10.) My kids are not cranky when they wake up and we can play without the "mid day melt down"
I love nap time too. Because like you, I can actually get a few things done!!!!! And sometimes, just like you, I take a little nap too :)
I will love nap time very soon! Can't wait to join the club and show my pictures. :)
Ya'll are good mommies. I am still in the newborn stage - you know - "sleep when they sleep". I don't get *anything* done when mine are napping - except a little dreaming.
Oh getting all 5 down for a nap at once is a trick... but it often happens Sunday afternoon and oh is that a Treat! Once everyone is back in school I may have to re-teach Millie how Fun naps can be so e can both get a little shut eye! Love the photos!
Opps this is from Kelly
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