Monday, August 17, 2009

Does Heavenly father have a swimming suit?

So, Today me and the kids went to go hang out with one of my favorite Aunts. We had to drive all the way to Callahan which is a good 45 min. to a hour long drive. On the way home Abigail and I had a fun talk I thought it was adorable so I thought I would share.

Abigail: "How do I get in the clouds?"

Me: " You have to ride on a plane"

Abigail: "Then when I am in the clouds I can go swimming with Heavenly Father?"

Me: " Well You have to wait until you die to go see Heavenly Father But yes I am sure you can go Swimming when you are really old and go to live with him"

Abi: " Mom I know I can not go swimming with Heavenly Father until I am done here But I was just wondering if Heavenly Father has a swim suit ?"

Me : " I am sure he does I bet it is the coolest one of all"

Abi: " I bet he has that one at target with all the princess's on it"

I thought I was going to cry I was laughing so hard. Not at all where I thought that conversation was going but I sure did enjoy it while it lasted. Oh the things kids think about. I was all ready to give Abigail the first discussion and she was dying to know about his bathing suit. I love you, my Boo Bear!!!!


Kelly said...

Oh too Cute! I bet he does ave the Coolest of All! My kids sure were sad to see Abby go. Maizie came right in and started coloring Abbie a pic. of her and Abby. Oh they were Beautiful!
How are you feeling are you still up to the task? My kids over heard us and have never been so excited!

Katheryn said...

Oh my goodness that is so cute. I just love the way little minds think. They have the best little thought process. Abi is just adorable.

Erin said...

I'll bet it has all kinds of sparkles and colors, Abi!

I love those conversations - they are one in a million!

Casey Gentle said...

She is so cute. Kids brains are incredible. The way they think is absolutely something else. love it!